I asked Belis what it means to be a “Carolina Girl”

A brief Q&A with Belis:

  1. How would you describe the song in one word?

    “I’d describe it as authentic.”

  2. What was the energy like when creating the song?

    “We had so much fun in the studio together! Our first time meeting, but the creativity just flowed naturally.”

  3. What makes the song special?

    “Made by two strong women from North Carolina that are trying to inspire others to chase their dreams.”

  4. What kind of scene and vibes does the song make you envision?

    “Like I’m out having fun with my friends!”

  5. How do you feel that this song will inspire the people who listen?

    “I personally hope that more people will embrace their hometowns and communities. I’ve seen a wave of so many people being unhappy with where they are. Sometimes that isn’t an environment thing and it’s a mental war. We should all be coming together to lift up our friends and neighbors and communities, in good or bad times. :)”

Image courtesy of: @rich336


“Carolina girls, best in the world!” “Carolina Girls” is a glamorous Rap track produced by one of Belis’ fellow Neilaworld members, kassgocrazy. The beat is cosmic, dreamy, and banging. Very fitting for these two, as they are known for both their sugary, hypnotic vocals as well as their nonchalant verses. In the track, we are brought into the lives of two talented rising North Carolinian artists—Belis being from Charlotte, Tia from Winston-Salem. We are showered with luxury and prestige. However, what makes this track special, and must not be forgotten, is that both of these women have gone through various struggles and have been very patient to get where they are. Belis and TiaCorine have both been laughed at and attacked with stereotypes, both shared and individual. It pretty much goes without saying at this point, being a female artist in the Rap industry is very difficult, especially in North Carolina, a state which is very young and largely untapped in the scene. And that is not even considering the personal challenges that they face. That is the crux of why this track is special. It is one step towards a greater goal of creating opportunities for others; not just to pursue music, but to pursue anything that they would like to. The track’s cover art does a very nice job encapsulating the greater message that the track is trying to spread: inspiration. Made by rich336, a Winston-Salem, North Carolina native, it is simple, yet effective. It depicts the artists standing atop a tower of sound equipment rocking out. The colors are also dope. Overall, “Carolina Girls” is a sonically pleasing track that simultaneously acts as inspiration for others, with a sick beat and dope cover art. Stream now!


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